
第八届 【SG:SW 2024 我写我的歌】

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SG:SW 2024 创作节大使

Sherman 卓振声

Cross Ratio x Warner Music Singapore Artist

星马年度备受瞩目的R&B男声Sherman卓振声。2023年推出两首单曲《hard to let you go》及《最对的错》接连登上星、马、印尼的热搜榜和音乐榜,更拿下Spotify「热播50强 – 新加坡」冠军的新加坡歌手,一跃成为Spotify Wrapped 2023「最佳本地歌曲」,「最受欢迎男歌手」、「最受欢迎金曲」奖项认可。

透过歌唱比赛《SPOP听我唱!》,《Stärker Music Jams》崭露头角,比赛常胜军的他除了爱唱歌,更立志要以创作歌手兼製作人身份发表作品,通过自己的创作分享故事。常常以中英语发布社群内容成功让他扩展粉丝群,吸引菲律宾和印尼粉丝,再次实现音乐无国界,让各地区再次见证他的音乐实力。




许常德老师是华语乐坛领导者之一,迄今已创作出1200多首歌曲,而其中有四百首主打歌。曾创作了许茹芸《如果云知道》、动力火车《除了你还能爱谁》、苏慧伦《Lemon Tree》、容祖儿《挥着翅膀的女孩》等上千首脍炙人口的歌曲。合作过的艺人则包括张学友、蔡依林、陈洁仪、陈奕迅、Twins等。



游政豪老师擅长多元曲风创作、编曲及制作,作品横跨流行音乐、电影电视配乐、广告电玩及剧场音乐。代表作除了A-Lin《给我一个理由忘记》、dance flow《迷人的危险》,他也曾为多位歌手作曲、编曲、制作唱片和担任演唱会音乐总监,合作过的艺人包括S.H.E、徐佳莹、丁当、李佳薇、于文文等。

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05 11 月 2024, 20:13

Photos from SG:SW 2024 我写我的歌's post ... See MoreSee Less

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05 11 月 2024, 20:02

🎼 上个周六的 #SGSW《舞台魅力训练营》,声乐兼舞台表演导师 Alexandra Hsieh 老师细心地为终极10强作品的演出呈现方式给出了宝贵的建议!老师甚至亲身示范如何展现舞台魅力,以助歌手们可以在《压轴演唱会》的舞台上呈现更精彩的演出!🎤

🎼 Last Saturday, during the SG:SW ‘Stage Performance Workshop’ led by Vocal and Stage Performance Instructor, Alexandra Hsieh, the Top 10 singers picked up valuable suggestions and insights on how to present a more engaging performance! 🎤 Do stay tuned to watch their performances on the stage of SG:SW 2024 Finale Concert! 🙌

#SGSW is organised by 新加坡词曲版权协会 Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 and 海蝶音乐 Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore .

#SGSW2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #Top10 #StagePerformanceWorkshop #舞台魅力训练营 #Mandopop
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🎼 上个周六的 #SGSW《舞台魅力训练营》,声乐兼舞台表演导师 Alexandra Hsieh 老师细心地为终极10强作品的演出呈现方式给出了宝贵的建议!老师甚至亲身示范如何展现舞台魅力,以助歌手们可以在《压轴演唱会》的舞台上呈现更精彩的演出!🎤

🎼 Last Saturday, during the SG:SW ‘Stage Performance Workshop’ led by Vocal and Stage Performance Instructor, Alexandra Hsieh, the Top 10 singers picked up valuable suggestions and insights on how to present a more engaging performance! 🎤 Do stay tuned to watch their performances on the stage of SG:SW 2024 Finale Concert! 🙌

#SGSW is organised by 新加坡词曲版权协会 Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 and 海蝶音乐 Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore .

#SGSW2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #Top10 #StagePerformanceWorkshop #舞台魅力训练营 #MandopopImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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02 11 月 2024, 11:58

「 @yes933 x @sgswfest 」

今天中午 12:00PM,记得留守 #spop听我唱 的空中节目,听听 #sgsw2024 终极10强作品的创作者们与 启佳 Qijia 分享他们的创作故事!想要支持我们10强的朋友们可别错过咯!😍

《最高人气奖》投选活动正在进行中!记得到SG:SW 脸书、Instagram、YouTube 和 TikTok 追踪我们、按赞并分享你心仪的作品,让它有机会争夺《最高人气奖》的奖项!

🔗 www.melisten.sg/radio/yes-933 或下载 melisten APP

At 12:00PM today, tune in to #YES933 to catch the exclusive interviews with our Top 10 finalists!

The Top 10 [Popularity Award] Voting Segment is still ongoing! To vote for your favourite entry and inch them closer to winning the award, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, like and share the live performance video of your favourite entry!

#sgsw is organised by 新加坡词曲版权协会 Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 and 海蝶音乐 Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore .

#sgsw2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #Top10 #mandopop
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「 @yes933 x @sgswfest 」

今天中午 12:00PM,记得留守 #SPOP听我唱 的空中节目,听听 #SGSW2024 终极10强作品的创作者们与 启佳 Qijia 分享他们的创作故事!想要支持我们10强的朋友们可别错过咯!😍

《最高人气奖》投选活动正在进行中!记得到SG:SW 脸书、Instagram、YouTube 和 TikTok 追踪我们、按赞并分享你心仪的作品,让它有机会争夺《最高人气奖》的奖项!

🔗 https://www.melisten.sg/radio/yes-933 或下载 melisten APP

At 12:00PM today, tune in to #YES933 to catch the exclusive interviews with our Top 10 finalists!

The Top 10 [Popularity Award] Voting Segment is still ongoing! To vote for your favourite entry and inch them closer to winning the award, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, like and share the live performance video of your favourite entry!

#SGSW is organised by 新加坡词曲版权协会 Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 and 海蝶音乐 Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore .

#SGSW2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #Top10 #Mandopop
21 10 月 2024, 14:00

⚠️ #SGSW2024《压轴演唱会》闪亮登场!🎼

经过四个月的严密筛选,【SG:SW 我写我的歌】的10强终于诞生!11月16日下午4时,新加坡华族文化中心远东机构表演厅将迎来《压轴演唱会》-- 10强争辉之夜!

🗓️ 日期/时间:2024年11月16日(星期六),下午4点钟
📍 地点:新加坡华族文化中心表演厅,九楼
🎤 表演嘉宾:Sherman Zhuo 卓振聲 & Boon Hui Lu 文慧如
👤 节目主持: Mediacorp YES 933 DJ Mei Gui 美贵 & Ze Liang 泽亮
🎟️ 票价:$25*、$18* (*未含 Ticketmaster 行政费用)
🔗 ticketmaster.sg/activity/detail/24sg_sgsw 👈

门票现已在 Ticketmaster 发售,指定优惠卡 PAssion Card 及指定社区伙伴 SAFRA、HomeTeamNS、merewards 可享有 20% 折扣‼️

《压轴演唱会》也将呈现本地创作歌手兼SG:SW 2024创作节大使卓振声和创作歌手文慧如的精彩演出!

After four months of rigorous auditions and mentorship, the Top 10 finalists of this year’s SG:SW I Write The Songs have emerged and will be taking the stage of Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Far East Organisation Auditorium, for SG:SW 2024 Finale Concert on 16 November at 4:00PM.

🗓️ Date/Time: 16 November 2024, 4:00PM
📍 Venue: SCCC Auditorium, Level 9
🎤 Guest Artistes: Sherman Zhuo & Boon Hui Lu
👤 Hosts: Gao Mei Gui & Zhu Zeliang (Mediacorp YES 933 DJ)
🎟️ Ticket Prices: $25*, $18* (*excluding Ticketmaster booking fees)
🔗 ticketmaster.sg/activity/detail/24sg_sgsw 👈

Tickets are available on Ticketmaster now! PAssion Card, SAFRA, HomeTeamNS, and merewards cardholders enjoy a 20% discount‼️

The judging panel will pick seven winners for the following awards: Best Song, Lyrics (Merit), Melody (Merit), Best Vocal Performance, Best Performing Band, Popularity (Public Voting), and SCCC Xchange for compositions with multi-cultural elements. The panel consists of renowned music producer Zennon Goh, producer-songwriter maestro Lee Wei Song, leading Taiwanese lyricist Adam Hsu, and notable Taiwanese producer-songwriter Roger Yo.

There will also be guest performances by local singer-songwriter and SG:SW 2024 Ambassador Sherman Zhuo, and singer-songwriter Boon Hui Lu.

#SGSW is organised by 新加坡词曲版权协会 Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 and 海蝶音乐 Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore .

#我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #压轴演唱会 #FinaleConcert #Top10 #Mandopop
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⚠️ #SGSW2024《压轴演唱会》闪亮登场!🎼

经过四个月的严密筛选,【SG:SW 我写我的歌】的10强终于诞生!11月16日下午4时,新加坡华族文化中心远东机构表演厅将迎来《压轴演唱会》-- 10强争辉之夜!

🗓️ 日期/时间:2024年11月16日(星期六),下午4点钟
📍 地点:新加坡华族文化中心表演厅,九楼
🎤 表演嘉宾:Sherman Zhuo 卓振聲  & Boon Hui Lu 文慧如 
👤 节目主持: Mediacorp YES 933 DJ Mei Gui 美贵  & Ze Liang 泽亮 
🎟️ 票价:$25*、$18* (*未含 Ticketmaster 行政费用)
🔗 https://ticketmaster.sg/activity/detail/24sg_sgsw 👈

门票现已在 Ticketmaster 发售,指定优惠卡 PAssion Card 及指定社区伙伴 SAFRA、HomeTeamNS、merewards 可享有 20% 折扣‼️

《压轴演唱会》也将呈现本地创作歌手兼SG:SW 2024创作节大使卓振声和创作歌手文慧如的精彩演出!

After four months of rigorous auditions and mentorship, the Top 10 finalists of this year’s SG:SW I Write The Songs have emerged and will be taking the stage of Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Far East Organisation Auditorium, for SG:SW 2024 Finale Concert on 16 November at 4:00PM. 

🗓️ Date/Time: 16 November 2024, 4:00PM
📍 Venue: SCCC Auditorium, Level 9
🎤 Guest Artistes: Sherman Zhuo & Boon Hui Lu
👤 Hosts: Gao Mei Gui & Zhu Zeliang (Mediacorp YES 933 DJ)
🎟️ Ticket Prices: $25*, $18* (*excluding Ticketmaster booking fees)
🔗 https://ticketmaster.sg/activity/detail/24sg_sgsw 👈

Tickets are available on Ticketmaster now! PAssion Card, SAFRA, HomeTeamNS, and merewards cardholders enjoy a 20% discount‼️

The judging panel will pick seven winners for the following awards: Best Song, Lyrics (Merit), Melody (Merit), Best Vocal Performance, Best Performing Band, Popularity (Public Voting), and SCCC Xchange for compositions with multi-cultural elements. The panel consists of renowned music producer Zennon Goh, producer-songwriter maestro Lee Wei Song, leading Taiwanese lyricist Adam Hsu, and notable Taiwanese producer-songwriter Roger Yo.

There will also be guest performances by local singer-songwriter and SG:SW 2024 Ambassador Sherman Zhuo, and singer-songwriter Boon Hui Lu.

#SGSW is organised by 新加坡词曲版权协会 Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 and 海蝶音乐 Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore .

#我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #压轴演唱会 #FinaleConcert #Top10 #Mandopop
19 10 月 2024, 20:00

💥《SG:SW 创意突击!》第五集 —— 直击《创作大师班》💥

曾在创作过程中停滞不前、缺乏灵感?台湾资深填词人许常德老师和台湾知名制作兼词曲创作人游政豪老师在这一期的《SG:SW 创意突击!》中分享了许多不同角度的想法,或许能为你提供全新的创作思路,帮助你提升自己的创作水平!✨

还在等什么?快到 SG:SW 官方脸书或 YouTube 收看完整版!
🎬 YouTube HD 高清完整版 👉 youtu.be/G8ZK4HBUlbo

💥 SG:SW Behind-The-Scenes! EPISODE 5 - 'Masterclass' Highlights 💥

Ever been stuck in writer's block? In this episode of 'SG:SW Behind-the-Scenes!', Veteran Taiwanese Lyricist, Adam Hsu, and Taiwanese Renowned Producer-Songwriter, Roger Yo, shared diverse perspectives that might offer you fresh ideas to enhance your works and improve your songwriting skills!

What are you waiting for? Head over to SG:SW Facebook or YouTube to watch the full episode!

#SGSW is organised by 新加坡词曲版权协会 Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 and 海蝶音乐 Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore .

#SGSW2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #Top10 #Masterclass #创作大师班 #Mandopop
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04 10 月 2024, 18:01

【SG:SW 2024《最高人气奖》投选】 《躺赢》词:赖资惠 Alexis、潘惠龙 | 曲:赖资惠 Alexis

SG:SW 2024 终极 10 强作品《最高人气奖》投选活动正式展开!
Top 10 [Popularity Award] Voting Segment has officially started!


作词:赖资惠 Alexis、潘惠龙
作曲:赖资惠 Alexis
演唱:赖资惠 Alexis
键盘:Hon Kwan
鼓:Gavin Chng

🎬 YouTube 高清版:https://youtu.be/8kFApecrVGo

- 奖金 S$1000
- 作品将被专业录音制作成单曲和MV来发行

网络投选渠道 Voting Platforms:
1️⃣ Facebook (@sgswfest) 2️⃣ Instagram (@sgswfest)
3️⃣ TikTok (@sgswfest) 4️⃣ YouTube (@OBMusicSingapore)

1) 投票者须先点赞或追踪 SG:SW 官方账号,方可被视为有效票数
2) 在各别平台上点击您想要支持的作品,为视频点赞并分享 (点赞和分享各为一票)
3) 投票者可为多首作品投票

How to Vote:
1.⁠ ⁠To ensure the validity of your votes, please begin by liking or following the official SG:SW accounts.
2.⁠ ⁠Show your support by selecting your preferred songs on each platform. Remember to like and share the videos, as each of these actions constitutes a vote.
3.⁠ ⁠Voters are welcomed to vote for multiple entries.


SG:SW 官方 Instagram 🔗 www.instagram.com/sgswfest
SG:SW 官方 TikTok 🔗 www.tiktok.com/@sgswfest
新加坡海蝶音乐官方 YouTube 频道 🔗 www.youtube.com/OBMusicSingapore

#sgsw #sgsw2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #10强最高人气奖投选活动 #PopularityAward
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04 10 月 2024, 18:01

【SG:SW 2024《最高人气奖》投选】 《昏暗中的等待》词:陈玟忆、Ridzwan Bin Abdol Latiff | 曲:陈银雪

SG:SW 2024 终极 10 强作品《最高人气奖》投选活动正式展开!
Top 10 [Popularity Award] Voting Segment has officially started!


作词:陈玟忆、Ridzwan Bin Abdol Latiff
演唱:陈银雪、Danish Luqman
键盘:Abdul Hakiim Bin Muhamad Hamim
贝斯:Muhammad Khairu Umar Bin Mohamed

🎬 YouTube 高清版:https://youtu.be/LsKB9Z4t9jQ

- 奖金 S$1000
- 作品将被专业录音制作成单曲和MV来发行

网络投选渠道 Voting Platforms:
1️⃣ Facebook (@sgswfest) 2️⃣ Instagram (@sgswfest)
3️⃣ TikTok (@sgswfest) 4️⃣ YouTube (@OBMusicSingapore)

1) 投票者须先点赞或追踪 SG:SW 官方账号,方可被视为有效票数
2) 在各别平台上点击您想要支持的作品,为视频点赞并分享 (点赞和分享各为一票)
3) 投票者可为多首作品投票

How to Vote:
1.⁠ ⁠To ensure the validity of your votes, please begin by liking or following the official SG:SW accounts.
2.⁠ ⁠Show your support by selecting your preferred songs on each platform. Remember to like and share the videos, as each of these actions constitutes a vote.
3.⁠ ⁠Voters are welcomed to vote for multiple entries.


SG:SW 官方 Instagram 🔗 www.instagram.com/sgswfest
SG:SW 官方 TikTok 🔗 www.tiktok.com/@sgswfest
新加坡海蝶音乐官方 YouTube 频道 🔗 www.youtube.com/OBMusicSingapore

#sgsw #sgsw2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #10强最高人气奖投选活动 #PopularityAward
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25 CommentsComment on Facebook

Congratulations! Beautiful song.

Great song! All the best!👍

Great duet! Didn’t expect it to be a Chinese and Malay duet! Well done!

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04 10 月 2024, 18:00

【SG:SW 2024《最高人气奖》投选】 《自由女神》词:Mirasole 亭安、思科 | 曲:王家毅

SG:SW 2024 终极 10 强作品《最高人气奖》投选活动正式展开!
Top 10 [Popularity Award] Voting Segment has officially started!


作词:Mirasole 亭安、思科

🎬 YouTube 高清版:https://youtu.be/RraxaLYYzEk

- 奖金 S$1000
- 作品将被专业录音制作成单曲和MV来发行

网络投选渠道 Voting Platforms:
1️⃣ Facebook (@sgswfest) 2️⃣ Instagram (@sgswfest)
3️⃣ TikTok (@sgswfest) 4️⃣ YouTube (@OBMusicSingapore)

1) 投票者须先点赞或追踪 SG:SW 官方账号,方可被视为有效票数
2) 在各别平台上点击您想要支持的作品,为视频点赞并分享 (点赞和分享各为一票)
3) 投票者可为多首作品投票

How to Vote:
1.⁠ ⁠To ensure the validity of your votes, please begin by liking or following the official SG:SW accounts.
2.⁠ ⁠Show your support by selecting your preferred songs on each platform. Remember to like and share the videos, as each of these actions constitutes a vote.
3.⁠ ⁠Voters are welcomed to vote for multiple entries.


SG:SW 官方 Instagram 🔗 www.instagram.com/sgswfest
SG:SW 官方 TikTok 🔗 www.tiktok.com/@sgswfest
新加坡海蝶音乐官方 YouTube 频道 🔗 www.youtube.com/OBMusicSingapore

#sgsw #sgsw2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #10强最高人气奖投选活动 #PopularityAward
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1 CommentComment on Facebook

💕💕💕 好听!

04 10 月 2024, 18:00

【SG:SW 2024《最高人气奖》投选】 《无名歌》词曲:翎希

SG:SW 2024 终极 10 强作品《最高人气奖》投选活动正式展开!
Top 10 [Popularity Award] Voting Segment has officially started!


演唱:周思杨 Ruby

🎬 YouTube 高清版:https://youtu.be/44IMUl5N01M

- 奖金 S$1000
- 作品将被专业录音制作成单曲和MV来发行

网络投选渠道 Voting Platforms:
1️⃣ Facebook (@sgswfest) 2️⃣ Instagram (@sgswfest)
3️⃣ TikTok (@sgswfest) 4️⃣ YouTube (@OBMusicSingapore)

1) 投票者须先点赞或追踪 SG:SW 官方账号,方可被视为有效票数
2) 在各别平台上点击您想要支持的作品,为视频点赞并分享 (点赞和分享各为一票)
3) 投票者可为多首作品投票

How to Vote:
1.⁠ ⁠To ensure the validity of your votes, please begin by liking or following the official SG:SW accounts.
2.⁠ ⁠Show your support by selecting your preferred songs on each platform. Remember to like and share the videos, as each of these actions constitutes a vote.
3.⁠ ⁠Voters are welcomed to vote for multiple entries.


SG:SW 官方 Instagram 🔗 www.instagram.com/sgswfest
SG:SW 官方 TikTok 🔗 www.tiktok.com/@sgswfest
新加坡海蝶音乐官方 YouTube 频道 🔗 www.youtube.com/OBMusicSingapore

#sgsw #sgsw2024 #我写我的歌 #IWriteTheSongs #10强最高人气奖投选活动 #PopularityAward
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